-fasttext.FastText.eprint = lambda x: None class _NotSetClass: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods @@ -630,11 +624,8 @@ def eval_xpath_getindex(elements: ElementBase, xpath_spec: XPathSpecType, index: return default -def _get_fasttext_model() -> fasttext.FastText._FastText: - ...
7 times increase compared to last year. Capacity expansion at the Fuhuade [...] enerchina.com.hk 年內,集團售予電網量為 952,100,000 千瓦時,較 2002 年約增加 2.7 倍,此增長主要 是電力 需求大增及褔華德電廠擴展裝機容量所致。 enerchina.com.hk [...] last year, this has increased...
Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 10.9. Location of the recirculation losses in (A) the impeller and (B) the diffuser of an axial-flow blood pump [6]. Fig. 10.9 shows two regions where flow recirculation is likely to develop at low flow in an axial-flow impeller and diffuser,...
Full size image The linear trend of the energy over the last 44 years varies greatly with the basin (Supplementary Figs.3b,4aand Supplementary Table2). Significant upward trends are found in the NA (29.3 ± 14.4%/decade), EP (28.0 ± 21.7%/decade), NI (16.9 ± 18.2%...
Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 9.17. FM spectrums, showing effect of modulation by two sine waves: (a) modulation: f = 1 kHz; m = 1.5; (b) modulation: f = 3 kHz; m = 1; (c) modulation: sum of previous two sine waves. 9.4.7 Demodulation of FM signals: discriminato...
Full size image Building a registry that allows the adoption of a common data schema to existing datasets provides a number of benefits to the data producer, data consumer, and research community at large. First, rapid data dissemination in this format increases the likelihood of secondary analyses...
GD3-2, n = 7 technical replicates) protein expression in GD3-1 and GD3-2 compared to control group. All replicate western blot images are included in the supplementary information file. Full size image The activation of the UPR through the BiP, CHOP, and ATF4 cascade can lead to the...
Full size image Besides Equation (4), we can also deducenin/nexindependently, by the DEM method during the loop oscillation. Here, we adopt a model where the EM per unit length is different for different structures existing along the line of sight (LOS)43. We modify it to estimate the ...
Full size image Study 1- factors influencing consumers’ PI of surplus food blind boxes Study design In Study 1, we examine the specific factors that have positive and negative impacts on consumers’ choice of surplus food blind boxes in the actual consumption process. Based on an analysis of ...
Download: Download high-res image (200KB) Download: Download full-size image Fig. 1. Imidacloprid treatment (black) had no significant effects on the adult bee population or food mass accumulated compared to the control (gray), but increased brood amounts slightly in the first months following...