datafile '/u01/oracle/db/AKI1/tab/AKI1_assm_manual.dbf' size 500M segment space management manual; Then a table with 1 Freelist within the tablespace: drop table test; create table test ( x date, y char(255) default 'x' ) storage (freelists 1) tablespaceassm_manual; Now create a...
BTW - I have of course moved datafiles off these disks to reduce IO demand, but the problem in each case is a single troublesome datafile, and I can't break it up without rebuilding very large Oracle tables (10-20 hours to rebuild). ...
B.BMRsupportspoint-in-timerecoveryofindividualdatablocks. C.BMRenablesyoutouseincrementalbackupsforblockrecovery. D.BMRenablesrecoveryevenwhenthedatabaseisnotmountedoropen. E.BMRenablesyoutouseproxybackupstoperformblockmediarecovery. F.BMRenablesincreasedavailabilityofdataduringrecoverybecausethedatafilerequiresarec...
BTW - I have of course moved datafiles off these disks to reduce IO demand, but the problem in each case is a single troublesome datafile, and I can't break it up without rebuilding very large Oracle tables (10-20 hours to rebuild). ...