increase by英语造句,1、The average salary does indeed increase by 10%.平均工资实际上增加了10%。2、Over the next decade the Indian wor
实用场景例句 全部 It is estimated that the output willincrease by15 %. 预计产量将提高15%. 辞典例句 And e - mail use is expected toincrease by15 to 25 percent a year. 电子邮件 的使用每年以15%到25%的速度在增加. 超越目标英语 第4册 ...
increase by意思:增长了。 用法:用作及物动词接名词或代词作宾语。例句:Our turnover have be Increase by& 20000. 我们的交易额增加了2000镑。 increase by侧重点:表示增加的具体数量。 扩展资料 例句: The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that while the number of nurses will increase by 19 percent by...
1Increase by transferring 转增 2increase by degrees 递增;递加 3increase by bidding 提高;迫使出高价;抬高 4increase by leaps and bounds 迅猛增长 5increase by degress 依次增加 6increase by natural growth 自然增长 7to increase by degrees 递增 8increase by geometric progression 呈几何级数增长 9...
好的,以下是几个使用“increase by”的例句: The company's revenue increased by 20% last year. 去年公司的收入增长了20%。 The number of visitors to the museum increased by 50% during the holiday season. 假期期间,参观博物馆的人数增加了50%。 Her salary increased by $3,000 after she got a ...
1. 释义区别:increase to:表示增加到某个特定的数量或程度。increase by:表示增加了某个特定的数量或程度。increase:表示增加或提高。例句:The temperature will increase to 30 degrees tomorrow. (明天气温将升至30摄氏度。)The company's sales increased by 20% last year. (公司去年的销售额...
rate of MNC will increase by increasing centrifugal force.结论加大离心力可增加MNC的回收率。The broad money supply is projected to increase by 14 percent.广义货币预期增长14%。Emissions of carbon dioxide will increase by around 5% by 2030.到2030年前,二氧化碳的排放量将会增多5%。
increase by和increase to例句 1. The sales of the company increased by 10% this year compared to last year. 2. The price of oil increased by $5 per barrel in just one week. 3. The number of students in the school increased by 20% over the past five years. 4. The temperature is ...
increase by "increase by"的翻译和解释例句与用法 21.And study in india increased by sixty - five percent前往印度留学的学生增长了65 。 22.The population of the area increased by 5 % last year这个地区的人口去年增加了5 % 。 23.Set topbox unit sales increase by seven times...
参考例句 1. Every increase in hourly wages, unless or until compensated by an equal increase in hourly productivity, is an increase in costs of production. 小时工资每次调升,便会使产品成本上升,除非或直到能从单位小时的劳动生产率的等量增长中得到补偿。