Definition - 定義 首先,我們來了解下Incoterms是如何定義的。Incoterms是由ICC(International Chamber of Commerce)制定的。最新版本是2020。其官網如下: (圖片出處見上) 所謂貿易術語,就是規定了在貨物運輸過程中,買賣雙方各自的權利,義務,成本以及風險的分配和轉移的用語。因此,每一個貿易...
Short for "International Commercial Terms", the Incoterms®rules are a set of 11 globally recognized standard trade terms created by theInternational Chamber of Commerce(ICC) to facilitate domestic and international B2B sales of goods. Seven of the rules –EXW,FCA,CPT,CIP,DAP,DPUandDDP– may...
Incoterms 2020 EXW Ex Works FCA Free Carrier FAS Free Alongside Ship FOB Free on Board CFR Cost and Freight CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid Тo DAP Delivered at Place DPU Delivered Named Place Unloaded DDP Delivered Duty Paid Expected changes CNI Cost and Insu...
Free Carrier (FCA) Cost & Freight (CFR) Cost Insurance & Freight (CIF) Explore the exact definition of each term in our Help Center Incoterms Explainer. But how does one exactly choose the correct Incoterm®? While the decision-making process can be complex, and often tied to the trad...
Definition - 定義 首先,我們來了解下Incoterms是如何定義的。Incoterms是由ICC (International Chamber of Commerce)制定的。最新版本是2020。其官網如下: 图片来源见上 所謂貿易術語,就是規定了在貨物運輸過程中,買賣雙方各自的權利,義務,成本以及風險的分配和轉移的用語。因此,每一個貿易...
Incoterms 2020 covers situations where either the buyer or seller transports goods using their own vehicles. In 2010, it was assumed that these services were provided by a third-party carrier.7There is also a change in the way that the FCA rule handles the bill of lading.8 ...
Definition of EXW Incoterms 2020: Ex Works The EXW Incoterm places the least demands on the seller. They must make the goods available to the buyer at the agreed time at a named place (factory, warehouse, etc.) and packaged for transport. This already fulfils the seller's obligation ...
For a summary of Incoterms 2020 and a short definition of each of the 11 terms, read An Introduction to Incoterms, or watch the video below. Then, we’ll take an in-depth look at the Incoterm FCA, also known as Free Carrier. Free Carrier Responsibilities and Risk Under the Incoterms...
The Incoterms 2020 Rules: Chart of Responsibilities and Transfer of Risk summarizes the seller and buyer responsibilities under each of the 11 terms. For a summary of Incoterms 2020 and a short definition of each of the 11 terms, read An Introduction to Incoterms, or watch this video: Cost...
FCA – Free Carrier ↑ Back to chapter index Definition of the term “Free Carrier” means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier or another person nominated by the buyer at the seller’s premises or another named place. This rule may be used irrespective of the mode of transpor...