The error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'" can occur when you try to run SQL scripts that require SQL Server 2008 on an earlier version of SQL Server. In my case it occurred while installing NewsGator Social Sites. SharePoint 2010 supports SQL Server 2005 (in some scenarios), ...
出现的情况是使用 query 可以正确读取到数据,而使用M方法,则无法读取,会报出 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'. 错误,原因是DbMssql.class.php驱动的查询语句有问题。 由于TP2.0 的 MSSQL 驱动是对SQL 2005有效,但对2000版本则无效,原因是2000版本里没有 ROW_NUMBER 功能,2005才有这个功能作用好像是对...
出现的情况是使用 query 可以正确读取到数据,而使用M方法,则无法读取,会报出 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'. 错误 原因是DbMssql.class.php驱动的查询语句有问题。 由于TP2.0 的 MSSQL 驱动是对SQL 2005有效,但对2000版本则无效,原因是2000版本里没有 ROW_NUMBER 功能,2005才有这个功能作用好像是对...
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), [x].[ID] AS [Key]) AS [v] FROM [Comments] AS [x] GROUP BY [x].[ID] Exception: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'. EF Core 2.1.1 👍 1 ajcvickers modified the milestones: 2.2.0, 3.0.0 Aug 3, 2018 smitpatel mentioned this issue Aug 13, ...
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'. If you could take a look that would be awesome. Thanks. SELECT PK_CertificationData, CertificationDecisionValidFrom AS StatusDate, ValidUntil, CertificationResultText, IsDataLevel, FirstCertificationDate, P1.PK_Person, P1.LastName AS ClientName, P1.Nr1...
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ELSE'. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'EXEC' Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM' Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'identity'. Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF'. please Help Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'PROCEDURE' Incorrect Syntax near the K...
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'. print sql 'Competitor Number of Outputs' as [Competitor Number of Outputs], 'Competitor Output Type' as [Competitor Output Type], 'Competitor Output Voltage' as [Competitor Output Vol [Competitor Number of Outputs],[Competitor Output Type],[Competit...
你最好在外面把textBox的内容都取出来再使用,这样写很容易出问题。或者是写成: "insert into 入住信息表 values (select 房间号,客户姓名,客户性别,籍贯,证件类型,证件号码,地址,客房价格,入住人数,入住日期,退房日期,押金,是否为会员 from 客房预订表 where 客户姓名="+" ' "+ textBox1.Text....
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'user'.解决方案 其实,这只是一个很小很小的问题,真的很小,可是却让我花费了整整一个小时的时间!~~ 事情是这样子的,公司一个很要好的同事因为他先前学JAVA的,可能最近项目上需求需要学习.NET,所以就遇到取数据库的问题,刚开始想这多简单啊!~,然后他就创建了一个表,user...
select b.string as [string1],a.[string2],a.[string3],a.[string4]into #temp FROM #tempStr a with(nolock)inner join dbo.table1 b with(nolock)where b.code = a.Id dbo..table 中多了一个点