SUMMARY I upgraded from Ansible v2.8.6 (which worked fine) to v2.9.0 and now I get "Incorrect sudo password" when I run any playbook with 'become: yes' in it. When I downgrade to v2.8.6 everything is working again. I have tested this on ...
I originally struggled with "Timeout (12s) waiting for privilege escalation prompt:", but after adjusting the timeout I'm now faced with "Incorrect sudo password." I can't access the VM via ssh from the centos user either. I've also tried this with ANSIBLE_BECOME_ASK_PASS=1. Any idea...
My task was to implement Openstack password rotation. Since I couldn't find a way to do that (it seems to contain only administrative module for changing any users password, which in turn naturally requires administrator privileges), I decided to useansible.builtin...
<gpu01> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: None <gpu01> SSH: ansible.cfg set ssh_args: (-C)(-o)(ControlMaster=auto)(-o)(ControlPersist=60s) <gpu01> SSH: ansible_password/ansible_ssh_password not set: (-o)(KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no)(-o)(PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,g...
-sh-4.2$ sudo ansible-playbook fw_address_group.yml -i inventory.ini --ask-vault-pass Vault password: ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML. mapping values are not allowed in this context The error appears to have been in '/home/kshukla/ansible-pan/examples/fw_address_group.yml': line...
2 root root system_u:object_r:lost_found_t:s0 16384 May 2 23:36 /home/lost+found [fedora-25:ansible (devel u=)]$ sudo useradd -m -d /home/test_user test_user [fedora-25:ansible (devel u=)]$ ls -lZd /home/ drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root system_u:object_r:home_root_t:s0 ...