I have a similar problem and couldn't find a workaround. When adding a second disk to my laptop, it appears as "Unknown" and "Not initialized" on Windows Disk Manager, and got an "Incorrect function" error when trying to initialize it. However, I can successfully see it when plugging ...
I have a similar problem (Disk Management returning an "Incorrect function" error when trying to initialize a disk), so I tried your solution. In Diskpart, LIST DISK didn't show the disk (though its number was skipped), but it could be selected nonetheless with SELECT DISK <disk #>, a...
After completing these steps, check if you can format or initialize the disk or not. If not, try the next solution. Way 2: Remove Write Protection From The Drive As I have already mentioned above, the “Incorrect Function” error message mainly occurs due to a write-protected disk. Though...
We are using Sophos, but I believe the issue is that when the registry file is created the file is not written/closed when it tries to back it up and copy it. The reason I believe this is because when you run it the second time, it backs up the one that did get written (y...
Thanks Guido. I was also suffering this problem. After further investigation what happens is that on the first run a folder is created in the users localappdata\FSLogix\ profile containing a registry file. It looks like there may be some race condition for the exporting ...
at: initialize (servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp:5510) ERROR: Can't create buffer of size: 262144, error 0x80070057. at: (drivers/d3d12/rendering_device_driver_d3d12.cpp:917) ERROR: Condition "!block.driver_id" is true. Returning: ERR_CANT_CREATE at: _insert_staging_block (servers...
(sink, "Could not create output file"); // Initialize VPL session loader = MFXLoad(); VERIFY(NULL != loader, "MFXLoad failed -- is implementation in path?"); // Implementation used must be the type requested from command line cfg[0] = MFXCreateConfig(loader); VERIFY(NULL != cfg[...
Windows installation ran correctly, but whenever I go to "Create and format hard disk partitions" in Windows 10 it says that Disk 1 is not initialized. Also, there is no information on the size of it. If I try to Initialize disk, it says "incorrect function". Also in Device Manager >...
Then the boot manager is written to the newly initialized disk to make the operating system bootable: BCDBoot c:\windows /l de-de /s z:\ /f UEFI After these steps the system should be able to install updates or function updates as usual. Thanks to Martin for this write up. Ma...
Disk 0 Unknown Not Initialized When selecting "Initialize Disk" from the context menu I get a popup titled "Virtual Disk Manager" with the message "Incorrect function" This is for a new WD Blue Sata SSD All replies (3) Thursday, March 5, 2020 12:27 AM ...