Operation procedureFollow-up treatmentNerve retentionSphincter protectionRADICAL RETROPUBIC PROSTATECTOMYBLADDER NECK PRESERVATIONQUALITY-OF-LIFEURINARY-INCONTINENCERISK-FACTORSIn the current discussion on the operative therapy of prostate cancer, not only"if" but also"how" play a major role. Both questions ...
Objective: To summarize the influencing factors and preventive measures of urinary incontinence after suprapubic prostatectomy(SPP) and transurethral resection of prostate(TURP) and the selection of operation opportunity in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia.Methods: A total of 830 patients were divid...
The vas deferens were severed, and the seminal vesicles were dissected after the catheter was removed. The prostate can be dissected once the connection between the prostate and the proximal urethra is sliced. The apex of the prostate is separated from the superficial Denonvilliers’ fascia. The...
Postoperativefunctionalexer- cises:appliedcoldcompressonkneejointsfor1dayafteroperation; andinfirstday,performedquadricepsfemoriscontractionexercises; inthirdday,performedflexionandextensionactivityofkneejoint andtriedtomoveonfeetwiththehelpofkidnap.Ifthereweremuch effusionofjoint,thefluidinjointweredrewfromjoint...
Song Z, Kan Z, Zhang Q, et al., 2019, Research on Improving Urinary Incontinence in Patients with Prostate Cancer After Radical Operation By Comprehensive Nursing Mode. Modern Journal of Genitourinary Tumors, 11(04): 238–239. Chen Q, Ma L, Li B, 2018, The Effect of Personalized Nursing...
almost all men are incontinent, because of disturbed activity in the sphincter (surrounding the upper part of the urethra) caused by the operation. This circular muscle is located just below the prostate. This urinaryincontinenceusually disappears after a few months, but there is a risk of it ...
urinary incontinence following prostate cancer treatment is substantial. This chapter examines the implications of prostate cancer and its treatments on urinary function. After a review of the epidemiology and anatomic considerations surrounding urinary incontinence, its measurement and prostate cancer treatment...
especially if you leak urine with a cough or sneeze, during exercise or standing (stress incontinence). This is common straight after the operation, but often improves within weeks. It can also occur in men who have not had a prostate operation, particularly in older men, but this is uncomm...
Questionnaires can be incontinence specific such as the ICIQ-SF that assesses the prevalence, frequency, and perceived triggers of urinary incontinence, and its impact on everyday life, or part of a larger questionnaire assessing symptoms from several systems after prostate cancer treatment such as ...
Manassero F, Di Paola G, Paperini D, Mogorovich A, Pistolesi D, Valent F, et al. Orgasm-associated incontinence (climacturia) after bladder neck-sparing radical prostatec- tomy: clinical and video-urodynamic evaluation. J Sex Med 2012;9:2150-6....