Finally, it is important to remark that while this kind of preconditioning produces stabilized results in nearly incompressible regimes the standard version exhibits some numerical drawbacks that lead to solutions without physical meaning.doi:DOI: 10.1016/S0045-7825(97)00129-1N. Nigro...
The construction of efficient iterative solvers is complicated due to the velocity/pressure coupling in the stabilization terms, see, e.g., [16].A few questions remain open for the fully stabilized scheme: • The physical meaning of the term ∑τδτ∥(a·∇)u+∇p∥τ2, by contrast...
, meaning that more of the curve lies below the diagonal than above it. This observation was explained by Knudsen et al. (2002) by the propensity for the wetting fluid to occupy narrower pores where the flow rate is lower.By comparing Fig. 7...
Inviscid flow is a type of fluid flow where the fluid is considered to have zero viscosity, meaning that there is no internal friction between the fluid particles. This type of flow is commonly used in theoretical fluid dynamics calculations, as it simplifies the equations and allows for easier...
In these conditions a stationary solution of the non-linear equation for the dynamo wave’s amplitude exists; meaning that the magnetic field is sufficiently excited. The amplitude of the dynamo waves oscillates and becomes stationary. Using these results we can explain the existence of Maunder’s...
2002ElsevierScience(USA) KeyWords:adaptiverefinement;movingboundary;finitevolumemethod,solidi- fication;phase-fieldsimulation. 1.INTRODUCTION Inmanyengineeringproblems,theinterfacebetweenphasesplaysanimportantrolein theproductquality.Hence,itsprediction(ordesign)isanimportanttaskinprocessopti- mization....
The modifieation of normal oseillations speetrum by increasing of the dimensionless dissipation parameter is described in detail. It is shown that the model has a eharaeteristic frequency wo, having the meaning of "transpareney threshold" of the medium: in the presenee of strong dissipation ...
This new equation gives rise to a mathematical description in which the geometrical bound, representing the rigid porous medium assumption, is naturally taken into account, avoiding the occurrence of solutions without physical meaning during simulations. Two examples are presented, in order to lend ...
where N is the number of compartments, W the drum width and L the arc length of each compartment, the other symbols having their usual meaning.doi:10.1016/0032-5910(78)80006-0A. RushtonElsevier B.V.Powder TechnologyRushton A. Pressure variation effects in rotary drum filtration with ...
The method of separating variables with addition and another extraordinary method are used to obtain analytical solutions in the process of derivation. Besides theoretical meaning, the solutions can serve as the benchmark problems for developing the numerical heat transfer....