extern 引用变量出现 incomplete type is not allowed incomplete type is not allowed 出现的几种类型: 使用extern 引用结构体时,1. 没有在文件中添加 结构体定义的头文件“.h”。2. 结构体采用先声明后定义的方式,这种extern是不允许这么操作的。采用typedef struct {}str;这种方式。 出现这种情况有两种原因: ...
在C++编程中,incomplete type is not allowed是一个常见的编译错误 简介 在C++编程过程中,我们经常会遇到"incomplete type is not allowed"这样的编译错误,这是由于在编写代码时,没有正确地声明或定义一个类型,导致编译器无法确定变量或函数的类型。本文将简要解读这个错误及其解决方法。 错误解析 当我们在C++代码中...
keil环境下,报错#70: incomplete type is not allowed,解决 mqtt_conf.h 定义了一个结构体 mqtt_buffer.h #include <stdint.h> #include "mqtt.h" 定义了一个结构体 struct MqttBuffer { struct MqttExtent *first_ext; struct MqttExtent *last_ext; uint32_t available_bytes; char **allocations; char...
I declared a struct within the same .cpp file of the main() function. Then no error occurs. But the error of "incomplete type is not allowed" occurs if I put the struct in another .cpp file. file2.cpp: struct a_point { float x, y; }; file2.h : struct a_po...
结构体声明在是不能被extern的,如果多个文件中用了一个同结构体,只想声明一次 需要将结构体在头文件中定义,初始化可以放在.c中,具体如下 //IIC.h typedef const struct { uchar i;} type_aa;extern type_aa bb;//IIC.c type_aa bb={3};//main uchar cc;void main(){ cc = bb.i...
keil报错:Symbol set_value multiply define和 incomplete type is not allowed和error: #65: expected a “;“,Symbolset_valuemultiplydefine:这个错误意味着set_value这个符号(通常是变量或函数名)被多次定义了。在C/C++中,每个符号只能有一个唯一的定义。这可能
结构体声明在是不能被extern的,如果多个文件中用了一个同结构体,只想声明一次\x0d\x0a需要将结构体在头文件中定义,初始化可以放在.c中,具体如下\x0d\x0a \x0d\x0a//IIC.h\x0d\x0atypedef const struct\x0d\x0a{ \x0d\x0a uchar i; \x0d\x0a} type_aa;\x0d\x...
struct foo { struct bar; bar x; // error: field x has incomplete type struct bar{ int value{42}; }; }; int main() { return foo{}.x.value; } This is quite clear, as foo::bar is considered incomplete at the point where foo::x is defined. However, there see...
I have enabled c99 but get error: #70: incomplete type is not allowed anyway. In the documentation I read: 70: incomplete type is not allowed Example: typedef struct { unsigned char size; char string[]; } FOO; By not declaring a size for the array in the structure, the...