求大神看代码为什么会出现 incompatible type for argument 1of match 还有没有其他问题 #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define STACK_INIT_SIZE 100#define STACKINCREMENT 10typedef struct{ char *base; char *top; int stacksize;}Sqstack;int init(Sq
x.py:5: error: Argument 1 to "contextmanager" has incompatible type "Callable[[], AbstractContextManager[str]]"; expected "Callable[[], Iterator[<nothing>]]" [arg-type] x.py:6: error: The return type of a generator function should be "Generator" or one of its supertypes [misc] ...
InconsistentTypeException: Incompatible argument passed to the input "project_id" of component "Deploying a trained model to Cloud Machine Learning Engine": Argument type "String" is incompatible with the input type "GCPProjectID" What did you expect to happen: I expected a pipeline run to be ...
Raw-type changed to a properly parameterized type. This is binary compatible change but may cause compilation errors. In most of the cases, it's enough to add<?>at the use site to fix the issue. com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.impl.MoreActionGroup(boolean, int, DefaultConstructorMarker) ...
I'll admit that using the HAL API was somewhat lazy on my part and mostly out of habit, too many frameworks lately, so thank you for suggesting an alternative. I have no input on the hardware design. My programming is in the application layer and I have no i...
Symptom: 执行 sess.run(tf.compatible.v1.global_variables_initializer()) 出现异常: tensorflow.python.framework.errors_implement.InvalidArgumentError: Input 1 of node * was passed int32 from * Incomp…
}thrownewIllegalArgumentException("Unknown markup type: "+ getAttributes().getMarkupType()); } 開發者ID:vsite-hr,項目名稱:mentor,代碼行數:9,代碼來源:TextUnit.java 示例15: before ▲點讚 2▼