PAGE FI ModuleFI ModuleSSKMT PAGE 1SSKMT AR 2.5 Incoming Payment说明1.收到客户应收款时使用,可以一张发票一次全部收款,也可以部分收款。2.路径Accounting Finan
GUI事务码:/ATL/KP28 功能描述:Incoming Payment Entry OData服务: UI5激活SAP应用: 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product: APP类型:GUI(SAP GUI TRANSACTION) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive 此APP对BSP支持如下: BSP名称: BSP包: BSP组件及版本: BSP运...
SAP Managed Tags: Healthcare Hi, Please give me some inputs for the below scenario. Please help me where i can do this..I could not find the T.Codes.. 1. Customer Invoice 2. Customer Payment at Desk 3. Down payment 4. Down Payment Clearing I could able to find the t.code for...
SAP专业教材资料fico_incoming payment(1).ppt,Posting with Clearing Overpayment various processing functions Underpayment limits for underpayments and overpayments Payment on account flexible definition of limits for underpayments Partial Payment Document
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Hi, here i trying to post incoming payment from customer after discounted amount t-code f-28 , i am getting error message like this: Acct determination not defined for trans. SKT in chart of accts S501 Message no. F5113 Diagnosis An automatic...
my requirement is that i want to create interface between non-SAP & SAP system through BAPI for tcode F-28. F-28 is used for posting incoming invoices of customers. I have found one BAPI - BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST. Can this be used for my requirement. In F-28 we post open items for...
Performing accounting tasks in SAP can be easy when you know what you’re doing. When it comes to performing accounts receivable in SAP ERP FI, creating an incoming payment is part of the bread and butter skills you should have. This blog post showed you how to complete the process. Happy...
payment made against JE . We usually won't have this transaction but we are in initial phase of SAP B1 and we have opening balance transfer .so we have to make payment against JE . Can you help on this matter Thank you in advance Bishal jitin_chawla Product and Topic Expert 200...
So this will create a payment item and not a payment order as this is just a one sided entry in In-house cash. At the end of the day when you do the Periodic Processing activity of 'General Ledger Transfer' (T-code F9HI) the following entry will be passed in company code 1000 (...
Our vendor 'KAISER' sends us payment advice notes, where we are identified as the receiver with the name 'SAP DEUTSCHLAND'. To assign all payment advice notes of this type to our company code 'DE01', maintain the following entry in table T076B: ...