3 Responses to A Reminder About Who Pays US Income Taxes tannngl says: 09-Dec-2017 at 15:16 Excellent! This morning I read about the ‘Tax System Explained in Beer’. https://finance.townhall.com/columnists/danieljmitchell/2012/03/19/the-tax-system-explained-in-beer-n952039 Reply...
I owed a pretty big chunk of change this year for taxes. My federal liability was over $4k. That was mainly due to the fact that I didn’t adjust my quarterly estimated taxes last year to reflect my increased online income. Live and learn, but I’m glad I’m in a position to writ...
The inflation rate from January 2000 to July 2000 was relatively large (at 4.6 per cent), due in part to the effect of the net increase in indirect taxes. There are also differences between single men and women with a large proportion of single women receiving a pension whereas sin- gle ...
With the stunning advances in productivity, such as the ‘Net, the cell phone, the PC, we should be living like George Jetson, coming in to work for 2 hours a week to push the one button that can’t be automated, while supporting a family of four in comfort. That’s the kind of ...
The reality is yourcurrent retirement incomeis based on thecurrent dividend yieldof the total value of your portfolio. The Passive Income Earner explained the concept most eloquently in his comment: “Once you attempt at retiring, the amount of invested capital or ACB of your shares is irrelevant...
Most were the result of additions to existing portfolio positions while others were due to good relative performance increasing their weighting in the portfolio list. There were five new purchases within the top 50 (China Resou...