Whenever you receive unexpected money, such as a tax refund, birthday cash, or work bonuses, consider putting a portion (or all) of it into your tattoo savings account. These windfalls can boost your fund without affecting your regular budget. DIY Saving Challenges Make saving fun with DIY ch...
Status (Whether Individual, Company, Firm etc.) of the assessee; PAN of the assessee, if allotted; Nationality (in case of an individual) or country or specified territory of incorporation or registration (other than individuals); Assessee's tax identification number in the in the country of...
Tax ● Scope of application ● Dividends ● Interest ● Royalties ● FCT payment methods ● Taxing foreign e-commerce businesses ● Double taxation agreements Capital Gains Tax Value Added Tax ● Scope of application ● Goods or services where VAT declaration and payment are not required ● Exempt...