Tax Preparers Fret over Earned Income Credit.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)Schwanhausser, Mark
Tax Professionals Need an EFIN? Apply/Renew PTIN Welcome to Our services allow tax professionals to prepare and efile personal income taxes for others with ease through our user friendly software. This year we offer a web based tax software allowing you to securely prepare tax ...
aPreparers have objected to presenting income tax obligations for such positions, often on the not unreasonable theory that to do so would provide taxing authorities with a ”road map” to the challengeable income tax positions taken by the reporting entity. 调制机反对了提出所得税义务为这样位置,...
and retention of seasonal workers| A phenomenological study of income tax preparers CAPELLA UNIVERSITY Calvin Lathan LongSteven RThis research study utilized a qualitative, phenomenological approach to analyze key factors relative to successful recruiting, job satisfaction and retention of seasonal workers,...
PAID TAX PREPARERS , USED CAR DEALERS , REFUND ANTICIPATION LOANS , AND THE EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT : THE NEED TO REGULATE TAX RETURN PREPARERS AND Danshe... In 2002 more than 18 million low-income individual taxpayers received the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Despite its size, non...
Electronic filing, tax preparers and participationin the Earned Income Tax Credit☆Wojciech Kopczuka,⁎, Cristian Pop-ElechesbaColumbia University and NBER, United StatesbColumbia University, United StatesReceived 22 November 2005; received in revised form 10 November 2006; accepted 14 November 2006...
“Revenews”practitionerlistserv.Thisisaquickandefficientwayforthedepartmenttopass informationontoprofessionaltaxpreparers.Tosubscribe, listinfo/revenews.YoualsocanaccessalinktosubscribeifyougotoourWebsiteandselect“Prac- titionerInfo.”Onceyouhavesubscribed,youwill...
(3) The results of endogenous switching regression indicate that, except for highly complex returns, returns prepared by tax preparers have a higher tax burden than self-prepared returns in both 1986 and 1987. (4) The higher the potential tax savings of using a preparer, the higher the ...
Reports that tax preparation services are facing competition from online computer programs and World Wide Web sites which aid taxpayers in filing their returns. Moves by various companies, including H&R Block, to advertise their services and to establish web sites themselves; Review of H&R Block's ...
The impact of paid tax return preparers on the horizontal equity (HE) of the federal tax system has significance for regulatory and tax policy reasons. Using multiple analytical techniques to consider data from the Statistics of Income Division's 2000 Individual Model File (IMF), this study ...