Based on this table, there are a few things that you’ll have to understand. First of all, you have to understand whatchargeable incomeis.Chargeable income is your taxable income minus any tax deductions and tax relief.It’s very important you know how it works because as you can see, t...
2) You may still be overpaying or underpaying on your tax, even if you are a salaried worker or civil servant under a Potongan Cukai Bulanan (PCB), a Monthly/Schedular Tax Deduction (MTD) system or if you are self-employed/own your own business. What is Chargeable Income in Malaysia?
Based on this table, there are a few things that you’ll have to understand. First of all, you have to understand what chargeable income is. Chargeable income is your taxable income minus any tax deductions and tax relief. It’s very important you know how it works because as you can ...