Clear serves 1.5+ Million happy customers, 20000+ CAs & tax experts & 10000+ businesses across India. Efiling Income Tax Returns(ITR) is made easy with Clear platform. Just upload your form 16, claim your deductions and get your acknowledgment number online. You can efile income tax return...
See why to choose and learn how the tax app works. Get IT done on!IT is Income Taxes and we make IT easier for you; PrepareIT, but not alone!Prepare your taxes with and the eFile app will help select and complete all forms that can be e-filed as ...
OR Income Taxes, Extensions, and Tax Amendments. See Applicable State Tax Forms, Deadlines, and Other Important Details.
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eFile your Income tax return online in minutes. myITreturn ensures accurate efiling of ITR with maximum tax refund. Registered with
Who Needs to eFile an Income Tax Return? Income tax return filing is not only a legal duty but also a financial responsibility that applies to various groups under different circumstances. Here's a detailed look at who is required for income tax e filing: ...
Filing your tax return electronically is fast, safe, easy, and environmentally friendly. The benefits of using EFILE Online are: Individuals who have their returns e-filed can generally expect to have their returns and refunds processed within two weeks. You can get your refund even faster if ...
Taxsmile is an efiling portal to prepare and efile income tax return Online. Taxsmile helps individuals to file their income tax return in an easy, convenient and secure way.
Under Section 80, a taxpayer will receive tax deduction for payment made towards: Life Insurance. Contribution to one’s Provident Fund or contributions to Public Provident Fund. Mutual Fund subscriptions. Tuition fees paid towards a taxpayer’s offspring. Repayment of the principle amount taken towa...