If you have paid taxes on your own you may be asked to confirm this with the Challan Identification Number (CIN). This is the number you receive from a designated bank when you pay your taxes either offline or online at the tin nsdl portal. People Also Searched For What do you understan...
TDSreturn, AIR return, and Wealth Tax Return are some of the other filings that can be done on the website. Additionally, you can also use the portal to view your outstanding tax amounts,Form 26AS, CPC refund status, and ITR-V receipt status. The website even has a tool that you c...
Refund status can be tracked after 10 days from the claim submission and once the process gets completed by the officer, you will be notified by a message. You need to access the NSDL-TIN website or official IT website to track your refund status. In there, click on “Status of Tax ...
24Q, 26Q, 27Q,.. as per NSDL format Import data from Excel/ '.txt' file Revised return facility Interest Calculation Online Tools e-filing tool Defaults download Challan e-verification Form 16/16A download consolidated file download Auto-filled Forms and manymore... ...