How to Use the Tax Calculator for FY 2024-25? You have follow the steps given below to figure out the tax payable on your income for FY 2024-25 or AY 2025-26: Step 1: Provide your basic details Select the financial year from the dropdown menu for which you want to calculate the in...
About the Income Tax Department of India What is the Income Tax Act? Schedules of the Income Tax Act What are the Income Tax Rules? Taxpayers and Income Tax Slabs What are the Existing Tax Slabs? What are the New Income Tax Slab Rates? Exceptions to the Income Tax Slab What is Advan...
Plan your taxes better with our income tax calculator ay 2023-24. Use our online tax calculator to get accurate results instantly. Visit the new Income tax department of the official portal. You can search for the same in Google or other search engines and click on the same. Once the web...
No Income tax depends on the income earned, more the income, more the tax. The income slab also varies with age(less than 60,between 60 – 80 years, more than 80), residence(india/non-resident India), gender(male/female) and financial year. For quite some time India has four income ...
Assessment Year: Income Tax return, ITR, is bound to an assessment year. For income earned in FY 2015-6 assessment year is AY 2016-17. Income Tax return forms(physical and excel) of AY 2016-17 and AY 2015-16 are different,. A revised return for the correct assessment year needs to ...