money received by a person as wagesetc.He cannot support his family on his income.sueldo,salario income tax a tax paid on income over a certain amount.impuesto sobre la renta ˈincome-tax returnnoun an official form that has to be completed with information about one's income and expenses...
income tax act是什么意思_income tax act用英语怎么说_income tax act的翻译_income tax act翻译成_income tax act的中文意思_income tax act怎么读,income tax act的读音,income tax act的用法,income tax act的例句 翻译 income tax act 释义 所得税法 释义...
加拿大所得税法(Income Tax Act)和增值税法(Excise Tax Act)博大精深、文句晦涩难懂,即使在所有加拿大的持牌会计师中,也…|基于187个网页 3. 入息税法 加拿大最主要的税法是入息税法(Income Tax Act)。入息税法制定了个人所得税和企业税的法规。
on the “BasicIncome Tax Act”,if the basicincometaxis greater than the amount of regular income tax, [...] 自九十五年度起因適用「所得稅基本稅額條例」所計算之基本稅 額若高於一般所得額應納所得稅額,增加之應繳納差額列為當年度所 得稅費用。
根据加拿大所得税法(IncomeTaxAct),如果两家公司是母、子公司关系,合并(即垂直兼并)后新成立公司的已缴股本并非二者之和,而…|基于5个网页 2. 入息税法 ...长费格逊(MichaelFerguson)曾依据《入息税法》(IncomeTaxAct)及《消费税法》(ExciseTaxAct)调查个人或公司漏报税项,包…|...
Income Tax Act - The Latest TrendsBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksMarch of the Law (India)Srividhya Ragavan
income tax , levy imposed on individuals (or family units) and corporations. Individual income tax is computed on the basis ofincome received. It is usually classified as adirect taxbecause the burden is presumably on the individuals who pay it. Corporate income tax is imposed on net profits,...
Income tax was a rallying point for the Populist party in 1892, and had enough support two years later that Congress passed the Income Tax Act of 1894. The tax at that time was two percent on individual incomes in excess of $4,000, which meant that it reached only the wealthiest members...
On the other hand, when the corporate income tax is passed along to consumers through higher prices, it will—like a sales tax—act as a regressive tax, reducing disposable income proportionately more for people with low incomes than for those with high incomes. A corporation tax that has bee...
Withholding Taxes--Canada-United States Income Tax Convention TEI's Testimony before Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance on pre-budget consultations: September 6, 2005 Under the new act, most of the special tax provisions that relate to state income taxes have been replaced wit...