Income Management is a policy that 'quarantines' 50-70% of Centrelink payments onto a BasicsCard, which can only be used to buy 'priority' items at government-approved stores. Critics argue the scheme stigmatises and...
Reid's claim for disability support pension (DSP) made on 26 October 2010 was rejected by Centrelink because of an income maintenance period imposed as a result of the payments received from QANTAS on the termination of his employment. On review the decision was affirmed by the Authorised ...
Anyone who has relied on some sort of government support will know that it currently distorts your decisions. As a student I was actually accepting less hours of work to ensure that my Centrelink payment wouldn’t be too much affected. UBI would have meant that any hours I worked would... Accessed 31 Jan 2020. Franche RL, Severin CN, Lee H, Hogg-Johnson S, Hepburn CG, Vidmar M et al. Perceived justice of compensation process for return-to-work: ...
There have been massivequeues at Centrelinkoffices. The government's MyGov website has crashed and phone calls have gone unanswered. These problems are more than logistical. They are also ideological, reflecting how the system has been conceived. It requires people to jump through bureaucratic hoops...