Income 包括:Revenue、Other Income 和 Gain。 1.Revenue 指的是主营业务收入,如果有 rebates(返点)或者 discounts(折扣)的话要去除。 2.Other Income 指的是其他业务收入。是指保留所有权,让渡使用权得到的钱。例如:收的租金、股息(也要看公司业务,资管公司收的股息就属于 Revenue)。Revenue 和 Other Income 这...
损益表的组成元素包括:营业额(Revenue/Sales)、运营成本(Cost of Goods Sold、Cost of revenue)、营业毛利(Gross Profit)、营运费用(Operating expenses)、营业利益(Operating income or EBIT)、利息支出(Interest Expens)、其他收入(Other income)、税前收入( EBT、Pre-Tax Income)、所得税(Income Taxe...
1.营业额(Revenue/Sales): 营业额(也称做:销售收入、营业收入、营收)是指公司一段时间内,来自本业销售或服务的收入,会在报表的最上方,收入越高代表生意越好。 营业额非常重要,许多人会关注营业收入增长率,但也要注意,有时营收增加的来源是来自购并、或者来自大量的折价与广告,因此仍必须检查其他财务指标,才能确定...
利润表Income Statement(也称为损益表或收入表)是一种会计报表,用于反映企业在特定期间内的经营成果和盈利能力。它列出了企业的收入、成本和利润等项目。以下是利润表通常包含的内容和其作用: 1. 收入(Revenue):收入是企业在特定期间内从主营业务活动中获得的经济利益,例如销售商品或提供服务所获得的销售收入。收入部...
1、主营业务收入(revenue)一般指主营业务收入,一般出现在利润表中(income statement);2、收入(income )意思也是收入,但这个词很少单独使用,一般都是与其他词合在一起形成专有名词,income statement 利润表 taxable income 应税收入;3、营业利润(operating income)企业在某一会计期间的营业收入和为...
Income Statement Example 利润表示例 Reading Standard Income Statements 阅读标准利润表 The focus in this standard format is to calculate the profit/income at each subhead of revenue and operating expenses and then account for mandatory taxes, interest, and other non-recurring, one-time events to ...
3、cies(不足)Accrual Accounting(权责发生制) and its strengths4.1 Revenue recognition, matching principle and expense recognition(收入确认、配比原则和费用确认)4.2 Adjusting journal entries(调整会计分录)5.Expensing(费用化) versus capitalization (资产化)of expenditures6.Relations between income statement and...
Income Statement In accounting, the income statement (also called the Statement of Profit and Loss) summarizes a company’s revenues, expenses, and net income. Below is an example ofAmazon’s 2016 annual report(10-k), which contains both revenue (which they label as “net sales”) and net...
Income Statement Example 利润表示例 Reading Standard Income Statements 阅读标准利润表 The focus in this standard format is to calculate the profit/income at each subhead of revenue and operating expenses and then account for mandatory taxes, interest, and other non-recurring, one-time events to ar...