Medicaid Coverage Of RU-486 Limited; Restrictions Affect Low-Income WomenAmy Goldstein
"Payment Restrictions for Prescription Drugs under Medicaid. Effects on Therapy, Cost, and Equity." New England Journal of Medicine 317(9): 550-56. Soumerai, S.B., D. Ross-Degnan, E.E. Fortess and J. Abelson. 1993. "A Critical Analysis of Studies of State Drug Reimbursement Policies:...
For more than a year, Finland has been testing the proposition that the best way to lift economic fortunes may be the simplest: Hand out money without rules or restrictions on how people use it. The experiment with so-called universal basic income has captured global attention… Now, the exp...
Financial interventions and movement restrictions for managing the movement of health workers between public and private organizations in low- and middle-i... Health workers move between public and private organizations in both urban and rural areas during the course of their career. Depending on the...
According toVeteran Aid, Aid and Assistance can pay up to $2,230 per month in VA benefits for an older veteran and his/her spouse. One of the restrictions of the Aid Attendance program is you can’t get Housebound benefits during the same time. ...
For questions related to SDOH, we used and modified the Accountable Health Communities Health-Related Social Needs Screening Tool (AHC-HRSN) developed by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation.12 Written consent for using questions from the AHC-HRSN was obtained from the Protocol for Resp...
installment loans can help SSDI recipientswith a home repair project and turn it into free money should they encounter financial difficulties. While they can only borrow tiny sums, lenders face restrictions should they default. Lenders cannot garnish Social Security disability checks ...
COVID-19 restrictions midway through our follow-up survey required a switch to telephone interviews for the socio-behavioural survey and may have affected the reporting of our outcome on the number of sexual partners. However, this does not affect the HSV-2 findings, which are based on ...
Once assets are transferred into the trust, the law places certain restrictions on their use. However, thegrantorretains the right to any income that the trust assets generate. The grantor also has the right to use, live in, and sell any real estate held in the trust, as well as buy an...
For one thing, it will not only impose geographical restrictions on participating farmers’ medical treatment, but also hinder the free migration of participants in the labor market, so that the labor force is "locked" in the place of household registration. On the other hand, under the ...