comparative profit and loss statement 比较损益表 profit and loss statement phr. 损益表报告书 trading profit and loss statement 【经】 营业损益表, 损益表 相似单词 profit n. 1.利润,盈利;收益,红利[C,U] 2.利益,益处;得益[U] v. [T] 1.有益于 v. [I] 1.有益,有利 2.得益,获益(+...
英文 statement of income and profit and loss 中文 【经】 收益及损益计算表最新查询: statement of e statement of e statement of e statement of e statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f ...
profit and loss 和 income statement 意思都是一样的,都是表示“损益”。A profit and loss statement is a report of the changes in the income andexpense accounts over a set period of time.损益表是关于收入和费用帐户在一定期间内变动的报告。As I explained in the Income Statement post...
举报 谁翻译下Income Statement is known also as the profit and loss statement 下载作业帮APP学习辅导没烦恼 答案解析 结果1 举报 损益表就是指利润和损耗的报表 APP内打开 结果2 举报 Income Statement又叫作profit and loss statement,都是“损益表”的意思。 结果3 举报 收入表也被称为损益表 结果4 举报 ...
profit and loss account n.表示:损益账如:The profit and loss account show the movements which have take place since the last balance sheet. 该损益帐目表明子上次资产负债表以来已经发生的变动。后者account是账户(财务记载、分类等),前者 statement 是账单(财务某一时间段的说明表格)二者还是有细微差别的...
An income statement is one of the four primary financial statements. 利润表是四大财务报表之一 英文: income statement statement of earnings profit and loss statement 指的都是利润表这张财务报表 无论这张表的叫法是什么,总之,这张报表反应的都是一个公司的经营业绩。
产生幽灵收入问题的原因其实就是,利润和损失(Profit and Loss)的分摊(Allocation)和分发(Distribution)的不同步造成的。 分摊(Allocation)就是名义上公司的收益有多少摊到每个股东头上,无论这笔收益是否直接打到了股东的账上。 分发(Distribution)则是每个股东实际上入账的收益。
9、 profit and loss statement uses data from your business and three simple calculations to tell you the net profit (or net loss) of your company. Usually, it helps to know where you are going before you get there, so here's a shell of a P & L statement and a completed P & L ...
5) trading and profit and loss account 营业损益计算表6) income statement 收益表,损益表补充资料:收益 企业在一定时期全部收入超过全部成本费用支出和损失的剩余数额,表现为企业净资产的增加. 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。参考词条...