then you can take the full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit. However, if either spouse has a plan at work, then your deduction may be limited.3
The MDCH uses federal poverty levels as a basis for monthly income limits when determining an applicant's Medicaid eligibility. The current monthly income limits for Medicaid in Michigan is 185 percent of the federal poverty level for pregnant women and families with newborns up to age one. For ...
One of Ochoa's children has Medicaid dental coverage, but her three others are uninsured, and they couldn't otherwiseafford dental care, said Ochoa. STRIDE offers an exam, X-rays, and cleaning for $60 for the uninsured. In the past year, Cho has seen an influx of migrants and refugees ...
Even with growing needs, Cho said the Medicaid "unwinding"—the process underway to reexamine post-pandemic eligibility for the government program that provides health coverage for people with low incomes and disabilities—has created financial uncertainty. He said he worries about meeting the upfront ...