2005. "Use of Food Pantries and Food Stamps in Low-income Households in the United States." The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 39(2): 276-299.Bhattarai GR, Duffy PA, Raymond J. Use of food pantries and food stamps in low- income households in the United States. J Consum Aff. 2005;...
An unduplicated count of welfare beneficiaries is not available. Enrollment in TANF and food stamps remained far below 1994/1995 peak levels during 2000-2002, but Medicaid enrollment set a new record high. Average 2002 monthly numbers: Food stamps, 20.2 million; TANF, 5.1 million; and Supplementa...
Even more resources are transferred through in-kind (non-cash) programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, food stamps (now SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Food Program), housing assistance and Pell grants, in which 1 In addition to making after-tax incomes less unequal, economists have noted ...