We assessed the relationship of the 2004 presidential election results, income tax data and personal health care spending-(PHCS) by performing a cross-sectional assessment of state-level data, using linear regression analysis overall and within the election result groups. The associations of these da...
Personal income levels and growth rates vary widely by state.(Cahners Economics)Delano, Daryl
The average ratio (income Gini/consumption Gini) is 1.12, ranging from only 1.07 in the East Asia and Pacific region and in Europe and Central Asia, to 1.30, or close to 1.30, in North America and South Asia, reaching intermediate levels of 1.23 in the Middle East and North Africa and ...
Wiseman,Travis,Andrew T.Young."Economic Freedom,Entrepreneurship,and Income Levels;Some US State-Level Empirics,".American Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2013Wiseman, T. and A.T. Young (2013), `Economic freedom, entrepreneurship and income levels: some US state-level empirics', American Journal of ...
Evidence from one English health authority suggests that a very high proportion of GP income continues to be determined by patient characteristics and the scope for a discretionary response to income incentives is correspondingly small. Where discretion does exist, higher levels of GP incomes do not ...
A study was conducted to estimate in terms of several Kuznets-type specifications the postwar relation between the level of economic development and income inequality. Inequality does not decrease with an increase in income even at high levels of development. On the contrary, an uninverted-U patter...
The levels of the short-term viability depend on structural, productive and social characteristics. By applying Kruskal–Wallis and U Mann–Whitney tests, the hypothesis of equal distribution of the index among different categories within each variable was rejected with the exception of geographical loc...
Income inequality has been correlated with higher levels of crime, stress, and mental illness. Historical social ills—such as slavery, immigration problems, and Japanese internment camps—are correlated with high levels of income inequality.
Aggregate discretionary income levels for an economy fluctuate over time, typically in line withbusiness cycleactivity. When economic output is strong, as measured by thegross domestic product (GDP)or another gross measure, discretionary income levels tend to be high as well. If inflation occurs in...
Parents of Dependent Children: Eligibility levels for parents are presented as a percentage of the 2024 FPL for a family of three, which is $25,820.Other Adults: Eligibility limits for other adults are presented as a percentage of the 2024 FPL for an individual, which is $15,060.* 10 S...