Save the Children (UK) has targeted these poorer families in Vietnam during the three years it has been operating income generation programmes there. This article describes a review of this work and suggests that savings-and-credit models need to be developed, as well as more sustainable ...
We employtwo datasets, one is Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey wave in 2002,2004 and 2006, and the other is the dataset for provincial level in the year 1999, 2002 and 2004, in order to make two panels. Constructing panelsallow us to exploit "within" variation in health, income ...
Using provincial-level data, this paper empirically investigates the relationship between financial sector development and income inequality in Vietnam from 2002 to 2008. The results indicate that financial sector development has a positive impact on reducing income inequality; this is consistent with the...
Vietnam’s Law on Personal Income Tax recognizes ten different categories of income, with a host of different deductions, tax rates, and exceptions applying to each of them. A tax resident is defined as someone residing in Vietnam for 183 days or more in either the calendar year or a peri...
Is staying in Vietnam for an aggregate of 183 days or more within one calendar year or a consecutive 12-month period from the first date of arrival; Has a permanent residence that has been registered pursuant to the Law on Residence; or ...
`Trade and income growth in Vietnam: Estimates from a new social accounting matrix'. Economic Systems Research, 14(2): 157-84.TARP F,HOLST D R,RAND J.Trade and income growth in Vietnam:estimates from a new social accounting matrix. Economic Systems . 2002...
Meanwhile, low-income earners face difficulties in proving they are eligible for social housing purchases. "I have to prove that my monthly income is no more than 9 million Vietnamese dong (391 U.S. dollars). Fine, this task is not very difficult. But other criteria pose great headache ...
Veterans who served during the Vietnam War—including those who were deployed to combat zones and those who served elsewhere—constitute the last cohort of service members that was subject to a draft. More than 6 million of the nearly 9 million people who served on active duty during the war...
We examine the factors affecting livestock production by using a two-part fixed effects model and assess the contribution of livestock production in reducing income inequality by using the Gini decomposition method. We use panel household data from four rural surveys in three provinces of Vietnam. ...
In this thesis, I investigate intergenerational mobility of earnings and income among sons and daughters in Vietnam. In particular, my objective is to estimate intergenerational elasticity (IGE) of sons' and daughters' individual earnings, individual income, and family income with respective to father...