More attention toward trade schools would probably be a good idea too with an attendant crack down on schools that are not giving their students their moneys worth in education. Perhaps even ban any school that is not accredited from presenting themselves as a serious educational insti...
Income Counted Toward MAGI: MAGI includes all the income types counted in AGI, as well as any tax-exempt interest and other additions like excluded foreign income and non-taxable Social Security benefits. It’s important to understand which types of income are included in MAGI to calculate healt...
(gross national product)because the actors of production do not receive payment for either capital consumption allowances or indirect business taxes, both of which are included in gnp. the money put aside for capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted asincome. indirect taxes ...
I’m just trying to move us toward the Singapore model, Once we get there we can try to convince the public to replace domestic welfare programs with international aid, but it won’t be easy. Lorenzo, Good points, and don’t progressives also support #4, at least in most cases? Floc...
Tax deductions allow you to reduce the amount of your income that is subject to income tax. These deductions are based on a variety of factors. Some relate to expenses you pay during the year while others are fixed by the government and have no relation
If you want to play along, stop here and try checking out your knowledge of the eleven communities (or at least that’s how many I counted this past fall). The answers are a bit below. But first… Honestly this didn’t do so well, with one like, one comment, and only sixty-four...
To the elites, there is certainly a portion of revenues that goes toward the security of their system. They think of it as a cost of doing business like anything else. Call it maintenance, overhead, an inefficiency, etc. They always look for ways to minimize it to squeeze out more profi...
What happens is when you make a contribution to the 401k plan, that money isn’t counted toward income taxes. So as a result, fewer dollars are withheld from your remaining paycheck to cover the tax bite. I have a good example over in the articleHow a 401(k) Contribution Affects Your ...
The rich pay more than their fair share of income taxes. It's their wealth that people want to tax the most.
Social Security benefits are not counted as gross income. However, benefits are included in your combined income, which the IRS uses to determine if you should pay taxes on your benefits. Combined income is determined by totaling youradjusted gross income (AGI), nontaxable interest, and half of...