Relationship Between Household Income and Mental DisordersFindings From a Population-Based Longitudinal Study Jitender Sareen, MD, FRCPC; Tracie O. Afifi, PhD; Katherine A. McMillan, MS; et al Gordon J. G. Asmundson, PhD Author Affiliations Article Information Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2011;68(...
We found high prevalence of housing instability with 27.3% of participants reporting experiences of homelessness in the prior year and 39.0% of participants reporting multiple measures of housing instability. We found the 4-class solution to be the best fitting model for the data based on fit ind...
Humphrey Management- has senior housing in 4 mid-atlantic states - see their site for more Quantum Management- See complete list of Md/VA/DC affordable-living properties managed by them. Charlottesville Jefferson Heights at Pantops Mountain forover 55- One and two bedrooms - activities, spa and...
A historical literature suggests place-based housing subsidies, such as the LIHTC program, will be more expensive in providing the same level of housing support to the poor than tenant-based strategies (i.e., housing vouchers). This paper uses an administrative data series of LIHTC subsidized ...
water leaks, mold, lead paint, and working smoke detectors, appliances, heating, and air conditioning – and between housing quality and social needs, depressive symptoms, perceived stress, sleep problems, and self-rated health in a community-based sample of 786 low-income smokers from 6 states...
Norazmawati Md. SaniInternational Association of Engineering and Technology (IAET)International Journal of Advances in Engineering & TechnologyMd Sani, N. (2013). Residual income measure of housing affordability. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, 5(2) 1-8....
Charles Pilcher, MD | EvergreenHealth Two limitations of this study come to mind, which I could not determine to have been addressed in the study.1. Housing may be more affordable in areas more distant from hospitals, thus more poor people live farther from care.2. EMS systems may be les...
children globally, few population-based data are available from low-income settings and the lack of standardisation of diagnostic criteria and definition of sepsis in the reviewed studies are obstacles to the accurate estimation of global ... Carolin Fleischmann-Struzek MD a,David M Goldfarb MD d...
A Study of Compact City-type Housing Renewal Impact on Residential Location and Mode Choice The relationship between urban transportation and land use is always an endless main topic in urban planning area. It is based on the theory of Nested Logi... 우윤석 - 《Journal of Korea Planning...
Poor inner city housing may increase exposure to cockroach and mouse antigens. The prevalence of cigarette smoking is inversely related to income. Other unexplored possibilities include living in more polluted neighborhoods and differences in dietary habits. Our results suggest that asthma control and ...