Health Risk, Income, and Employment-Based Health Insurance. Forum for Health Economics & Policy 13 (2), 1- 35.Bundorf MK, Herring B, Pauly MV. Health risk, income, and employment-based health insurance. Forum Health Econ Policy. 2010;13(2):13....
Health Insurance for the Poor? Poor people lack access to health care with a negative impact on their dignity, human capital formation and their risk-management options. Recently an emerging movement of community-based health insurance schemes has attracted the attent... JP Jütting - OECD Publishi...
A health insurance scheme refers to pooling of prepaid funds in a way that allows for risks to be shared. The health insurance scheme particularly suitable for the rural poor and the informal sector in LMICs is community-based health insurance (CBHI), that is, insurance schemes operated by ...
(HealthDay)—Low-income Americans' access to health care and the quality of care they receive vary widely based on where they live, according to a new report. Compared to wealthier people, low-income Americans lose more teeth, have moreasthma flare-ups and miss out on vaccinations and cancer...
How much are low-income individuals willing to pay for health insurance, and what are the implications for insurance markets? Using administrative data from Massachusetts' subsidized insurance exchange, we exploit discontinuities in the subsidy schedule to estimate willingness to pay and costs of insuran...
IMPORTANT: This is a fixed indemnity policy, NOT health insurance This fixed indemnity policy may pay you a limited dollar amount if you’re sick or hospitalized. You’re still responsible for paying the cost of your care. The payment you get isn’t based on the size of your medical bill...
This article contributes to the current discussion of the relationship between income and the health of residents in a low-income community in several ways. First, the study utilized the community-based participatory approach that allowed us to understand better the residents' health needs, concerns,...
Abstract:TheWH0WorldHealthAssembly,andthemostrecentWHOWorldHealthReport.havecalledforallhealthsystemsto movetowarduniversalcoverage.However。low-incomecountrieshavemadelittleprogressinthisrespect .Weuseexistingevidence todescribetheevolutionofcommunity-basedhealthinsuranceinIow—incomecountriesthroughthethreestagesofbasic...
Role of health insurance coverage in women's access to prescription medicines. To examine the effects of health insurance coverage and other factors on access to prescription medicines for non-elderly women ages 18–64. Based on a nationally representative telephone survey of adult women in the Uni...
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide policy support for the sustainable poverty alleviation of farmers by analyzing the net effect of health risk on Farmers’ income poverty and its impact mechanism. Based on the data of more than 199,000 farmers, this study uses the Difference ...