Input your business income and expenditure numbers. Add or remove line items as necessary. Make sure the income statement fits your business by adding and removing line items as you go. Add a line where needed, or you can also easily delete lines from the template as required. ...
These result in high out-of-pocket expenditure, erosion of trust in the system, and reduced service utilization. Implementing regulations remain constrained not only due to lack of institutional capacity but also political commitment. Lack of good governance encourage frontline health care providers to...
Despite considerable research and policy attention over the past four decades, substantial inequalities in mortality and morbidity persist [1,2,3], and relative inequalities have increased across most European countries [4]. In several high-income countries, particularly the UK and the USA, overall ...
The chronic nature of noncommunicable diseases (NCD) and costs associated with long-term care can result in catastrophic health expenditure for the patient and their household pushing them deeper into poverty and entrenching inequality in society. As the full financial burden of NCDs is not known, ...
Child growth and development measures e.g. BMI percentile for age Health service utilization- e.g. vaccination rates, participation in preventive health activities Any adverse outcomes reported for participants were recorded (e.g. stigmatisation, dependency, decreased total food expenditure, increase in...
High/increased household expenditure Low/decreased household labor Old age and reduced productivity High/increased prices/inflation 107 99 99 310 238 238 233 Drought/dry season Low/decreased employment/income… Low/decreased/unstable agricultural prices 93 71 55 0 50 100...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article Breast Cancer Screening Programmes across the WHO European Region: Differences among Countries Based on National Income Level Emma Altobelli 1,2,*, Leonardo Rapacchietta 1, Paolo Matteo Angeletti 1, Luca Barbante 1, Filippo ...