Inclusive and Exclusive Language.Identifies a group of people as the 'enemy' and consistently places them as separate to the rest of usThis technique should be used sparingly and only when there are two clear sides to the debate. for example: teachers or students. Brings the audience INTO the...
Throughout the discussion, the implications for narrative family therapists will be explored as we consider whether our fascination with language is wielded in inclusive or exclusive ways and whether we can competently reach beyond the verbal in our practice.Kathleen...
Although the cost of such an exclusive safari might seem prohibitive, it is worth pointing out that everything - from wine, beer and spirits to the daily laundry service - is inclusive. The inclusive price is 500 baht and seconds will be offered to all. ...
Like in the example above: which is the distance from the river to the road, it surely must be exclusive (unless you are on the wrong side of the river, in which case you might be asked if you want to include the width of the river). So also requires context. Right?
comprehensive limited, narrow, exclusive, unique, restricted, confined 2. incorporating, including, counting, covering, embracing All prices are inclusive of delivery. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 inclusive...
(语言使用上)不分男女的: It refers to language that is gender-neutral and does not exclude either gender. Inclusive language aims to be respectful and inclusive of all genders. In summary, "inclusive" conveys a sense of comprehensiveness, openness, and acceptance, whether it's in terms of peo...
relating to or being educational practices in which students with physical or mental disabilities are taught in regular classrooms and provided with certain accommodations. Grammar.(of the first person plural) including the person or persons spoken to, asweinShall we dance?Compareexclusive ( def 12 ...
INCLUSIVE. Comprehended in computation. In computing time, as ten days from a particular time, one day is generally to be included and one excluded. Vide article Exclusive, and the authorities there cited. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John ...
language words together inclusive inclusive-language Updated Nov 4, 2022 HTML zsolt-beringer / Love-is-Love Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests A korrupció idejének leáldozott :-) one exclusive inclusive inclusive-ai clopen-source Updated May 13, 2020 1C Enterprise vanessadavo / Com...
gender-inclusiveadj(language, etc.: including all genders)(语言等)SCSimplified Chinese性别中立的 SCSimplified Chinese中性的zhōng xìng de noninclusive, non-inclusiveadj(exclusive)SCSimplified Chinese非包含在内的fēi bāo hán zài nèi de Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: ...