Synonyms addition incorporation introduction insertion Antonyms exception rejection exclusion omission Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to...
Define inclusion. inclusion synonyms, inclusion pronunciation, inclusion translation, English dictionary definition of inclusion. n. 1. The act of including or the state of being included. 2. Something included. 3. A solid, liquid, or gaseous foreign bod
Define inclusion criterion. inclusion criterion synonyms, inclusion criterion pronunciation, inclusion criterion translation, English dictionary definition of inclusion criterion. n. pl. cri·te·ri·a or cri·te·ri·ons A standard, rule, or test on whi
Also found in: Dictionary, Medical, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Graphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> Russell's bodycancer bodyplasmid DNAplasmidbodyinclusioncellular incl...inclusion... noun Synonyms for inclusion body nounany...
For this review, diversity was defined in terms of gender, racial and ethnic identities. Underrepresented minorities were defined as groups that have disproportionately lower numbers of dentists compared to the general population. These terms were used as synonyms and interchangeable. This review ...
Concepts from the search statement were extended by synonyms, abbreviations, verb forms and related terms to select keywords (Rowley and Slack, 2004), as shown in the Table 1 below: Table 1 Keywords. Full size table To capture the essence of the study’s research objectives, a dive was mad...
IC1. The study title must include the word "model" as well as the word "composition" or one of its synonyms or nearby words from those specified in Section 3.3. • IC2. The lecture of the study abstract must lead to conclude that the main purpose of the study is model composition ...
Define Döhle's inclusion bodies. Döhle's inclusion bodies synonyms, Döhle's inclusion bodies pronunciation, Döhle's inclusion bodies translation, English dictionary definition of Döhle's inclusion bodies. n. p
Define epithelial inclusion. epithelial inclusion synonyms, epithelial inclusion pronunciation, epithelial inclusion translation, English dictionary definition of epithelial inclusion. n. pl. ep·i·the·li·a or ep·i·the·li·ums Membranous tissue com
Synonyms for inclusion b in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for inclusion b. 188 synonyms for body: physique, build, form, figure, shape, make-up, frame, constitution, flesh and bones, torso, middle, chest, stomach, trunk, corpse... What are synonyms for inclu