and many other built environments segregate people from nature. This chapter examines the implicit connection that individuals make between self and nature, and the impact of built environments on these implicit cognitions. A psychological model for inclusion with nature is presented, containing cognitive...
Implicit association test with nature: Application in Spain of the "IAT-Nature" environmental identityDifferent measures have been proposed to study the connection between self and nature, a concept known as Connectedness to Nature. One ... P Olivos,JI Aragones - 《Revista De Psicología Social》...
This paper (i) introduces a modified version of the Inclusion of Other in Self (IOS) Scale, a new framework for tourism scholars to utilize in measuring the degree of closeness between residents and tourists; and (ii) uses residents' previous travel behaviour to predict the degree of emotiona...
(Zhang)Bhatt,&Yum, 2006)has been conducted using the scale to determine degree of closeness across various interpersonal relation-ships, including those that are not romantic in nature Not only has IOS yet to be used in the tourism literature,but utilization of the measure may serve to tran-...
Decades of evidence have demonstrated a lack of workforce diversity and sustaining disparities in academic dentistry and professional practice. Underrepresented minority students may face challenges and implicit bias during the dental schools‘ admission
aAll claims or disputes of any nature between parties to our partnership agreement will be resolved exclusively by arbitration in North Dakota in accordance with applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association. 所有所有自然要求或争执在党之间到我们的合作协议将由仲裁在北达科他完全解决与美国仲裁...
We consider a natural generalisation of the familiar inclusion-exclusion formula for sets in the setting of ranked lattices. We show that the generalised inclusion-exclusion formula holds in a lattice if and only if the lattice is distributive and the rank function is modular. As a consequence it...
The study included elementary school students in a school that has a large population of students with ASD in self-contained as well as general education classes. The hypothesis for the study was that the inclusion of students with ASD would have no impact on the academic achievement of the ...
problem notes that self-ascrip- tions of gender identity are representational - specifically, S's self-identifying as a woman is supposed to consist in her holding a belief that she is a woman. But if GID holds, then S's being a woman simply amounts to her self-identifying as a woman...
Autophagy has been identified to function as the effector or regulatory functions downstream of systems sensing danger signals/alarmins, also known as damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMP), such as ATP and self-DNA-containing complexes [15]. The contribution of autophagy is complicated by the...