To set the stage for the discussion that follows, the academic, social, and behavioral characteristics of these students pertinent to classroom performance are reviewed. The pros and cons of these four issues are then presented: (a) appropriateness of the general education curriculum for students ...
It is important to evaluate the student's needs and determine if the benefits of placing him/her in an inclusive classroom outweigh the challenges. For students with disabilities, the district must ask themselves the following questions for each individual student:In the end, no placement is ...
The “In” in inclusion means different things to members of the same family. That is because every individual has different needs, abilities, and requirements. One common element in all the answers is the need to be accepted for the way an individual is. Inclusion should not mean that every...
This topic has been mainly debated in national media and supported by classroom teachers as well as by OAJ (Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö, The Trade Union of Education in Finland, see Nivanaho and Thrupp in this book). We respond to these myths by explaining the current support system ...
Full inclusion means that all students, regardless of handicapping condition or severity, will be in a regular classroom/program full time. All services must be taken to the child in that setting. There have been several opposing ideas about full inclusion. There are pros and cons to the ...