Is it possible to use the CacheMeCode environment to accept a .tex file instead of a pdf? I am trying to create a plot with python and the tikzplotlib library. Which produces a .tex file including a tikzpicture converted from the python plot. ...
I thought it would be an elegant solution to just include the file directly in the class, without the need of packaging the class together with an image file. I tried exporting the .svg to .tex with Inkscape, which works but it says "Please note that this file requires PSTricks extensions...
I have a main Latex file that I am including all my chapters and appendixes in. I need to generate a list of appendixes (like a list of figures) and also I need to remove the appendixes from my toc. This is the basic structure: \documentclass[12pt, oneside]{memoir}\begin{document}%...
where filename is the name of the LaTeX file (with or without the .tex extension) that contains the content to be inserted. This way, we can insert text, equations, or images. For example, let’s say we have a section in the file section1.tex: \section{My First Section} In a hol...
P.S. The entire string of messages I get when I do "build and view" is below, in case this helps: Process started: pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "AsympLOCCQChannels".tex Process exited normally Process started: bibtex.exe --include-directory="C:\Users\cohen5\Document...
However, the subscript position is not the same in tex and latex, so there is a small difference. Still this looks the best to me. Have fun! Philipp Edit: When exporting the diagram then to pdf or eps, Matlab comes back to a normal (non-latex) ...
PythonTeX is a LaTeX package that allows Python code in LaTeX documents to be executed and provides access to the output. This makes possible reproducible documents that combine results with the code required to generate them. Calculatio... GM Poore - 《Computational Science & Discovery》 被引量...
of 21 byDr Vincent Knightof Cardiff University. You can easily manage your references in LaTeX using a bibliography, stored as a .bib file. In this video Vince shows how to create a new .bib file, add references from e.g. Google Scholar, and cite these references in your LaTeX document...
As of R2014b, you can include char(8240) in any text object with interpreter 'none' or interpreter 'tex' -- but not with interpreter 'latex'My --latex2pdf file0.Rnw sweave: # Sweave individual files file1.Rnw file2.RnwIf master file is a pure LaTeX file, you can change the all target to: all: sweave # Compile the whole document --noweave --latex2pdf file0.tex ShareTweet To leave a comment...