Here is my account.php class <?php include '../database.php'; class Account { protected $username, $email; protected function getEmail() { return $this->email; } protected function getUsername() { return $this->username; } public function __construct($username, $email) { $this->usern...
function import_folder_vars(string $dirname): array { $vars = []; foreach (glob("{$dirname}/*.php") as $file) { // If you want to combine them into one array: $vars = array_merge($vars, load_vars($file)); // If you want to group them by file: // $vars[$file] = loa...
<?php function global_include($script_path) { // check if the file to include exists: if (isset($script_path) && is_file($script_path)) { // extract variables from the global scope: extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_REFS); ob_start(); include($script_path); return ob_get_clean(); } else...
I have 2 IDF projects, let's call them "main" and "extra", and I'd like to include components from "extra" project into "main". How do I do that? So far I tried setting EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS, and SRC_DIRS in the main project CMakeLists file, but still build process cannot find...
<?php $path=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];$path.="/common/header.php";include_once($path);?> Basic stuff for all you programmers but that one had me stumped for ages. Another Technique Read Brian Vanderberg writes in: I have found that in some environmentsDOCUMENT_ROOTdoes not seem to ...
php// Previous code STARTrequire_once'functions.php';echo"The program is starting\n";$sum=add_sums(2,3);echo"The program is done\n";echo$sum;// Previous code ENDS// Additional code STARTSecho"Another program begins";require'functions.php';$sum=add_sums(2,3);echo$sum;echo"Another ...
However, Unix file/folder structuring is a little different. The / represents the root of the hard drive or current hard drive partition. In other words, it would basically be looking for root:/Path/To/File.php instead of serverRoot:/Path/To/File.php (which we'll say is /usr/var/www...
PHP program to create a class to subtract one distance from another distance PHP program to create a class to add two times PHP program to convert seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds PHP program to convert hours, minutes, and seconds into several seconds PHP program to implement a cascad...
let's imagine that the folder is called RESOURCES and the file to be included is called FUNCTIONS.PHP from all other files in your application, when you want to include the FUNCTIONS.PHP file, you should then reference it this way <?php include_once('/'.trim( $_SERVER['DOC...
Copy dll file to bin folder or add reference? copy files to the server Copy form values from one website to another Could not complete the request to remote agent URL Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\~\pics\scotpic2.jpg'. Could not find file 'c:\windo...