在arduino IDE 1.0 及后续版本,WProgram.h已经改名为 Arduino.h,你把相应的.h和.cpp改名就行。这是在1.0.X版里编译更老的程序时的通病,一个更完美的解决方案是,在老的程序前加这几行就新老IDE通吃:if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100 include "Arduino.h"else include "WProgram.h...
Describe the problem This issue is not #443. When the secrets are declared in a cloud sketch, IDE2 generates the #include "arduino_secrets.h" into the top of the main sketch file. This feature behaves unreliably. Occasionally, after pull...
#define OTApassword "asd" //the password you will need to enter to upload remotely via the ArduinoIDE int OTAport = 8266; /*** MQTT TOPICS (change these topics as you wish) ***/ const char* light_state_topic = "lights/pcambilight"; //da configurare const char* light_set...
1. require在代码执行前被预处理,被引用的文件内容会替代掉require语句。 include在代码执行到那一...
VSCode Version: 1.16.1 64 bit OS Version: Windows 10 Arduino IDE/tooling: 1.8.4 C/C++ extension: 0.12.4 Steps to Reproduce: Install Arduino IDE (not from windows store) and VS Code 64 bit Install Arduino extension edit and compile code l...
arduino IDE u8g2库 U8g2-2.27.6.zip 库来自arduino IDE ,非原创,Arduino IDE中的u8g2库,下载后,直接导入进去即可。 上传者:u014117943时间:2020-04-23 Arduino:arduino库文件及实现方法 只是搬运一下别人的库,加入了VScode的环境,使u8g2能够更好的运用。
ARDUINO UNO烧录BOOTLOADER 2019-12-07 14:49 −批量烧录为了速度加快,使用USBASP工具,配合PROGISP软件进行烧录。 因为脱离了ARDUINO IDE,所以需要研究AVR单片机的熔丝位设置问题。 1. 刷ATMEGA16U2芯片,需要这样设置: ![](https://img2018.cnblogs.com/blog/579586/2019... ...
You can editc_cpp_settings.jsondirectly, but it is usually easier to use the "C/C++ ...
https://github.com/pschatzmann/pico-arduino: an implementation of the Arduino API to use as a library using CMake and the Pico SDK If you don't want to use the Arduino IDE or PlatformIO, the third one looks the most interesting (although I've never tried it). ...
特别是在2018中,他们举行了公开的“代码征集”竞赛,为此目的开放了自己设计的软件代码。...与PlatformIO一起使用与Arduino IDE一起使用快速开始在Arduino IDE中打开新草图或使用PlatformIO创建一个新项目,并包含ClusterDuck库 #include...(例如,如果duck.setupMamaDuck()在使用setup()使用duck.runMamaDuck()...