He is a a CIA agent, ultimate traitor, who is using the current vacuum OF LEADERSHIP IN TPLF to destroy the EPRDF from within and he is succeeded by the inaction of the lousy, indecisive, robot-like miscreants such as Demeke Mekonnen and Debretsion. . Did you guys see how many of ...
3) PI policies typically only pay if you notify the insurer within the period of insurance stated in the policy schedule. If you have a claim or an alleged claim of error or omission and you only notify the insurer after the policy expires, the policy will not pay. 4) If you are ...
The California-based company says it can fly within 200 feet of the ground and through mountainous terrain. The SuperTanker falls into the VLAT or Very Large Airtanker category, along with the DC-10 aircraft. The jumbo jet has flown fires around the world, most notably in South America, ...
ID. TheFire Event IDis used to identify individual wildfires regardless of whether they are managed as part of a larger fire complex. TheIncident Idis used to group all sitreps related to an incident response, clustering related situation reports that are related but may differ in terms of the...
In this section, we describe a theoretical solution that can be used to incorporate the physical obstacle’s knowledge extracted from the maps within the geographic routing. We will use an approximation of this theory as a design principle for our algorithms described in subsequent sections. Let ...
The SCAT, being a two-way approach, is designed to pinpoint both the direct causes and root causes of an incident [26]. The SCAT was utilized to create an arc-flash-tailored investigation form in this study. As can be seen in Figure 1, the SCAT categorizes the causes as follows [5...
Officers there told her there was an “unknown speeding car,” Sciutto said. Within moments of the incident, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and de Blasio rushed to the scene. President Donald Trump, whose home at Trump Tower is one mile from the crash scene, was made aware of the incident ...