For each incident in the set, we assigned an initial access vector: the technique that gave an attacker their first access to the compromised environment. In 2023, exploitation of internet-facing vulnerabilities shot to the top spot, displacing the previously perennial favorite, phishing. Read More...
We maintain a state-of-the-art forensics lab to perform deep investigations into security issues and help ensure the most comprehensive response possible. Proven alert systems Anti-phishing Sometimes referred to as "spoofing," phishing is the practice of forging or faking electronic documents, usually...
The CSIRT might draft different incident response plans for different types of incidents, as each type might require a unique response. Many organizations have specific incident response plans pertaining to DDoS attacks, malware, ransomware, phishing and insider threats. Having incident response plans th...
If you have any questions after watching this episode, please don't hesitate to ask them! Part 1: Part 2: Currently we have playbooks for ransomware,BEC attacks and for phishing incidents. Question for yo...
Phishingandscam Botnets APT Mobile banking frauds Business email compromise Incident response services recognized by international rating agencies: Post-incident deliverables Stop the attacker Remove the threat actor from your environment and restore critical functions in time to avoid major consequences ...
incident response stepsmalware infectionsphishing attackransomwareThis chapter contains step‐by﹕tep recommendations for the most common cyberattack scenarios. These include falling for a phishing attack and clicking a link or entering credentials, succumbing to malware infections (including ransomware), ...
Phishing Attack & Analysis ThreatConnect for Phishing Attack Analysis and Response Phishing is on the rise, and the best way to protect your organization is to know what you’re looking for. ThreatConnect automates phishing analysis to simplify the hunt for legitimate threats. The Platform handles ...
1. Phishing Phishing is the #1 most common incident response scenario. It is most likely the initial compromise for ALL of the following scenarios. Now is the time, more than ever, to focus on training employees to be vigilant of malicious emails by implementing regular training and testing wi...
Our playbooks are organized into categories for easy navigation and access. You can explore these categories to find playbooks that match your specific needs: Phishing Ransomware Malware Feel free to use, modify, and contribute to these playbooks to improve incident response across the security comm...
Review the following incident response playbooks to understand how to detect and contain these different types of attacks:Phishing Password spray App consent grant Compromised and malicious applications Each playbook includes:Prerequisites: The specific requirements you need to complete before starting ...