doi:10.1016/j.lpm.2006.12.007Jacques EstèveElsevier Masson SASLa Presse MedicaleEsteve J (2007) Incidence du cancer du sein en France et dans les pays developpes. Presse Med 36: 315-21
Cancer is a major public health issue worldwide and the first cause of death in France [1]. The monitoring of trends in incidence and mortality is a key resource for planning and assessing the impact of cancer control programs [2,3,4]. In France, national trends in cancer incidence and ...
Many researches in all those fields remain necessary in order to control better the screening cancer evaluation.关键词: cancer du sein bouffées de chaleur sécheresse vaginale traitement non hormonal breast cancer hot flushes vaginal dryness non hormonal treatment DOI: 10.1016/S0338-9898(96)80054-0...
Official descriptive data from France showed a strong increase in breast-cancer incidence between 1980 to 2005 without a corresponding change in breast-cancer mortality. This study quantifies the part of incidence increase due to secular changes in risk factor exposure and in overdiagnosis due to or...
Belot A, Grosclaude P, Bossard N, Jougla E, et al. Cancer incidence and mortality in France over the period 1980?2005. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2008 Jun;56(3):159-75.PubMed|Google Scholar Cancer Prevention and Treatment. Accessed 10 May 2013. ...
l'incidence du cancer de la prostate et le taux de mortalité attribué à cette maladie au sein de la population masculine, exprimés en pourcentage du nombre total de Canadiens; c) les sommes totales affectées par le gouvernement fédéral à la recherche sur le cancer du sein au cours...
(2010). Projection de l'incidence du cancer du sein en 2018 en France. Bull. Cancer. 97(3): 293-299.BOUEE, S.; GROSCLAUDE. P.; ALFONSI, A.; FLORENTIN, V.; CLAVEL- CHAPELON, F.; FAGNANI, F. Projection de l'incidence du cancer du sein en 2018 en France. Bull Cancer 97(3...
Summary Breast cancer is a more and more important public health problem, more than 8 to 9 percent of the women will develop a breast cancer during their life. It's incidence rises regularly. The mortality tends to remain stable for many possible reasons. The screening development is accompanie...
cancer du seinbouffées de chaleursécheresse vaginaletraitement non hormonalbreast cancerhot flushesvaginal drynessnon hormonal treatmentThe survival considerably improved without it being possible, to know the respective effects of the therapeutic progresses and of the screening. Many researches in all ...
Incidence du cancer du sein métastatique HER2+ en France: utilisation du chanage patient à partir des bases médico-administratives de 2006à 2009Although efficacy and tolerability are classical criteria for treatment choice, patient adherence and tariff issues related to novel oral anticancer drugs ...