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Resurse Muzicale - Negative Crestine de Lauda si Inchinare.Laudati pe Domnul toate neamurile, laudati-l toate popoarele.Cantati Domnului
Numerical sea ice forecasting products during theninth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (9th CHINARE-Arctic) from Arctic Ice Ocean Prediction System (ArcIOPS) of National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center of China a...
China Re P&C is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation, one of the largest and only state-owned reinsurance companies in China with a global footprint in major business locations across Beijing, London, Hong Kong SAR, Singapore, and New York, and the...
describedforthefirsttimeinChina. Keywords:Ar ctic,Hydromedusae,taxonomy Citation:WangChunguang,HuangJiaqi,XiangPeng,WangYanguo,XuZhenzu,GuoDonghui,LinMao.2014.Hydromedusae fromtheArcticin2010duringthe4thChineseNationalAr cticResearchExpedition(CHINARE4).ActaOceanologicaSinica,33(6): ...
金杜律师事务所助力作为本次交易的保荐人中国财产再保险有限责任公司(简称"中再产险")成立Greater Bay Re Limited,是首家由保险业监管局批准发行保险相连证券,并于香港注册的特定目的保险人。怡安証劵担任本次保险相连证券交易的安排行和保险管理人。 此次交易是保险业监管局首次对特定目的保险人授权给与批...
Review of CHINARE chemical oceanographic research in the Southern Ocean during 1984–2016[J]. CHEN Liqi,CHEN Min,ZHAN Liyan,QI Di,GAO Zhongyong,WANG Jianjun,XU Suqing,CHEN Kui,ZENG Jian,ZHANG Run.Advances in Polar Science. 2017(02)CHEN L Q, CHEN M, ZHAN L Y, et al. Review of CHINA...
A new type of high-resolution Snow and Ice Mass Balance Arrays, known as SIMBA buoys, were deployed during CHINARE 2014. Data from those buoys were applied to investigate the thickness of sea ice and snow in the CHINARE domain. A simple approach was applied to estimate the average snow ...