The micrometer, or micrometre, is a multiple of themeter, which is theSIbase unit for length. In the metric system, "micro" is the prefix for millionths, or 10-6. A micrometer is sometimes also referred to as a micron. Micrometers can be abbreviated asµm; for example, 1 microme...
In the metric system, "micro" is the prefix for millionths, or 10-6. A micrometer is sometimes also referred to as a micron. Micrometers can be abbreviated as µm; for example, 1 micrometer can be written as 1 µm. To get an idea of the actual physical length of a micro...
The nanometer, or nanometre, is a multiple of themeter, which is theSIbase unit for length. In the metric system, "nano" is the prefix for billionths, or 10-9. Nanometers can be abbreviated asnm; for example, 1 nanometer can be written as 1 nm. ...
The nanometer, or nanometre, is a multiple of themeter, which is theSIbase unit for length. In the metric system, "nano" is the prefix for billionths, or 10-9. Nanometers can be abbreviated asnm; for example, 1 nanometer can be written as 1 nm. ...