inchworm- small hairless caterpillar having legs on only its front and rear segments; mostly larvae of moths of the family Geometridae looper,measuring worm caterpillar- a wormlike and often brightly colored and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth ...
那么,整句话的意思就是:一天,一只饥饿的知更鸟看到一条绿如翡翠的一寸虫坐在一根细枝上,它想一口把一寸虫吃了。”(小编:建议宝妈可以给宝贝读完一整句话后,简单翻译一下它的意思。再指着绘本图片解释:“This is the inch worm. It's ...
歌曲名《Inchworm (The Inch Worm)》,由 The Singalongasong Band 演唱,收录于《The Nursery Rhyme Collection IV, Vol. 7 & 8 (33 Musicians Create a Lullaby Masterpiece)》专辑中,《Inchworm (The Inch Worm)》下载,《Inchworm (The Inch Worm)》在线试听,更多Inch
The nightingale sang and the inchworm measured away. 夜莺开始唱,一寸虫动身量。 He measured and measured... 它量啊量,量啊量... Inch by Inch... 一寸又一寸... until he inched out of sight. 一直量到不见了踪影。 Activities 1)Sequence Worm:R...
inchworm(n.) alsoinch-worm, 1844, American English, frominch(v.) +worm(n.). Other old names for it includedloaper caterpiller,measuring worm,span-worm(1842),geometer, andsurveyor(1680s). All are from its mode of progress. ounce(n.1) ...
“The Inch Worm” (also named “Inchworm“) is a song written by Frank Loesser and originally performed by Danny Kaye in the 1952 film Hans...
Inch Worm, Inchworm Plant, Tapeworm Plant Synonym(s) Cacalia pendula, Notonia pendula, Senecio pendulus Scientific Classification Family: AsteraceaeSubfamily: AsteroideaeTribe: SenecioneaeSubtribe: SenecioninaeGenus: Kleinia Description Kleinia pendula, also known as Senecio pendulus, is a creeping succu...
(小编:建议宝妈可以给宝贝读完一整句话后,简单翻译一下它的意思。再指着绘本图片解释:“This is the inch worm. It's green. ”等等。) “一寸虫会被吃掉吗?” 四、翻到第二页 “Don‘t eat me. I am an inchworm. I am useful. I measure things.” “Is that so!” said the robin. “Then ...
spanworm, looper, sour worm and measuring worm. It’s actually the larva stage of life for the moth. There are numerous species of inchworms. The Green Weenie is a good trout, panfish and bass fly. Inchworms are a yellowish/green color. Most of them are green. At times the worm lik...
PURPOSE: To provide an inchworm device solving the difficulty of releasing clamping force due to residual magnetic flux heretofore obvious at the time of load to piezo-electromagnetic inchworm mechanism being inceased or an electromagnet being very small in dimension so as to be able to control ...