A four-week Advent Bible study on the major characters of the Christmas story -- Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the wisemen. Designed for small groups or as an interactive online Bible study
Incarnation ceases to have any meaning. There is no place in the universe for the Incarnate Son, and no need of Him. But we may briefly note the doctrine of the Immanency of God, now often presented, which, though not denying His personality, or, in direct terms, the Incarnation, yet...
The Bible doesn't confirm such a mechanism. The "new heaven and new earth" is rather an everlasting world where sin is eradicated and there will be "no more death or mourning or crying or pain" (Revelation 21,4). It will belong to those who accepted the saving work of Christ and ...
The word Incarnate derives from Latin (in=in or into, caro, carnis=flesh) meaning "to make into flesh" or "to become flesh". The incarnation is a fundamental theological teaching of orthodox (Nicene) Christianity, based on its understanding of the New Testament. The incarnation represents ...
It also means bringing revelation of the character and person of God to a world that desperately is seeking meaning and truth. It requires empowerment by all the resources of the Trinity. The Father heart of God sends us out. The sacrificial love of Christ prepares us to pay the price. ...
our appreciation of the role both of divine intention in the divine discourse evident in the Bible and of the contextualised response to that discourse, and provides further impetus for those who would argue that both intention and indeterminacy must be recognised in t...
You see if "no crying he makes," if Jesus is just a convincing humanoid, then what was that on the cross? Did it really die? Moreover, if Jesus did not live as a real human, filled with the Holy Spirit, what makes us think God can give us power to live for Him in this world...
In places that I speculate on meaning or interpretation, I try to be clear that it is my interpretation. I also assure you that throughout my incarnate-disincarnate communications and the few actual physical interactions over the past 23 years I have constantly questioned my own sanity and ...
Katy talked about the issue with Taylor. Interestingly, she also acknowledges her experimental/experiential 3rd line. Katy says “I believe in everything having a reason and a purpose and a destiny, and I had to make all those mistakes to get to this mistake right here! (meaning the skit ...
Incarnation, central Christian doctrine that God became flesh, that God assumed a human nature and became a man in the form of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the second person of the Trinity. Christ was fully God and fully man, and these two natures ar