This cohort study assesses whether incarceration during adulthood is associated with a higher mortality rate and whether this association differs by race.
In 2020, federal state and territory governments reached an agreement with Indigenous groups on 17 new Closing the Gap targets across education, employment, justice, safety, housing, land and waters and health and wellbeing. According to Thursday's data, the suicide rate for Indigenous Australians ...
Incarceration rate jump in state far above averagePaul J. Nyden
Evaluate corrections officials not just on the state of prisons, but on rate of recidivism A growing readiness exists to reinvent corrections. Bold thinking and experimentation are needed. So, how can prisons be improved? Here are three general ideas. Read more How mass incarceration harms U.S....
We also examined the reincarceration rate for people with and without a mental disorder diagnosis in the year before their release (eTable 4 in Supplement 1) and examined the association of SUD services access after release and reincarceration (eTable 5 in Supplement 1)....
Striking findings include: (1) the high prevalence of depression in this prison inmate popula- tion; (2) the poor rate of identification of depression (by correctional facility authorities as well as by prison inmates themselves); (3) lack of treatment (particularly psychopharmacological) for ...
aEVEN in a country with the world’s highest incarceration rate, Louisiana is extreme. The state imprisons 26% more people, on a per-capita basis, than the next-strictest state, Mississippi. Louisiana’s incarceration rate is almost six times Maine’s and seven times China’s. 在一个国家...
“It’s ordered and judged by this court that you be sentenced to death and you deserve death. If there ever was a reason for the death penalty to exist in this state, you’re it,” the judge said during sentencing. As expected, Jimmy Spencer, the man whose case was used to change...
The incarceration rate for women at risk for HIV was 5.5 per 100 person-years, compared to an estimated 0.16 per 100 person-years for women in the U.S. overall. "Even among a sample of women who are identified as being at-risk of HIV, those with the greatest degree of ongoing HIV ...
Biden’s questioner asked specifically about blacks and Hispanics. Historic federal data is most complete for black prisoners, and there, the numbers show that the black incarceration rate was different from the overall trend. Based on annual reports by theU.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, the...