l内向接口(Inbound Interface)是组织COM对象相关的方法和属性,COM对象必须实现所有的接口内容; l外向接口(Outbound Interface)是用于组织COM对象相关的事件,开发人员根据需要实现事件接口。
l内向接口(Inbound Interface)是组织COM对象相关的方法和属性,COM对象必须实现所有的接口内容; l外向接口(Outbound Interface)是用于组织COM对象相关的事件,开发人员根据需要实现事件接口。
2. 出站(Outbound):指的是流出交换机的流量或数据包。通常,当流量从交换机传输到网络中的其他设备...
`inbound` 指的是进入接口的流量,`outbound` 指的是离开接口的流量。例如,如果你想配置一个接口的入...
you would apply the outbound ACL Gi0/0:(inside your network) conf t int gi0/0 ip acccess-group ACLPERMIT-OUT. Out and the inbound ACL to the outside interface S0/0:(outside your network) conf t int s0/0 ip access-group ACLPERMIT-IN in Hope this helps. D Expand Post LikeLiked...
inbound and outbound interface of COM 2012-11-17 15:41 −http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_53fc3ca10100d1au.html 在arcengine的对象模型图学习时遇到一个 Inbound 和outbound interface区别的问题,对此... 很遗憾我不是 0 1132 Pipeline inbound(netty源码7) ...
2013-08-03 14:03 −我们通过实现鹰眼图这个功能来进一步学习MapControl控件。在实现鹰眼图之前,我们需 要接口有更深入的了解。 变主动为被动-出接口(OutBound interface) COM编程类似客户端和服务器端的两层结构,COM所建立的是一个软件模块与另一个软 件模块之间的链接, 当这种链接建立之后,... ...
Hi all, can some clarify what exactly inbound and outbound interface means. I'm totally getting confused while configuring accesslist that on which interface i need to configure as in or out. Thanks in advance Regards, MadhuCCNA Certification Community Like Answer Share 7 answers 8.93K views ...
Solved: HI Generally when we are uploading data from normal sys to sap system will use inbound and outbound interfaces so wat will be the purpose of these two
if the data is coming in to the SAP System that is called as an inbound interface and if the data is going out from SAP system it is called an outbound interface . Ex: if you are uploading data from an excel file to SAP System it is an Example for Inbound interface and all the ...