Body Composition Analysis (ICW [Intracellular Water], ECW [Extracellular Water], TBW [Total Body Water], Dry Lean Mass, Lean Body Mass, Body Fat Mass, Weight), Muscle-Fat Analysis (Weight, SMM [Skeletal Muscle Mass], Body Fat Mass), Obesity Analysis (BMI [Body Mass Index], PBF [Percent...
InBody创始于1996年,致力于研发生产专业人体成分分析仪,InBody970、InBody770、BWA2.0、InBody S10、InBody270等专业产品的应用范围涵盖医疗、营养、健身、康复等多个领域,健康管理产品如InBodyH30家用体脂仪、InBodyDial H20体脂秤、InBody身高体重测量仪、InBody电子血
Body composition scan & body fat analyzer designed for medical, fitness, & nutrition professionals. Financing available at 1.99% APR, $120/month. Contact us!
InBody570测试结果解析及应用.pdf,InBody570 1. 2 2. 3. 4.10 5. 6. 7. 20°C25°C 8. 9. 10. (Pacemaker) 2 *** 333 InBodyInBodyInBody 444 1.1.1. /// 1)1)1) 222 2.2.2. InBodyInBodyInBody570570570 444 444 RefRefRef111. Vivian H. Heyward,. Vivian H. Heyward,. Vi
InBody创始于1996年,致力于研发生产专业人体成分分析仪,InBody970、InBody770、BWA2.0、InBody S10、InBody270等专业产品的应用范围涵盖医疗、营养、健身、康复等多个领域,健康管理产品如InBodyH30家用体脂仪、InBodyDial H20体脂秤、InBody身高体重测量仪、InBody电子血
Chapter 1: Body Composition Analysis and Body Water Chapter 2: Muscle, Fat, and Obesity Risk Chapter 3: Segmental Analysis – Your Magnifying Glass Chapter 4: Customizable Outputs Chapter 5: Unlocking the Power of the Result Sheet Chapter 1:Body Composition Analysis & Body Water ...
fat and water. So, losing weight is not the same as losing fat. Likewise, gaining weight may not be fat. Our InBody 570 Body Composition Report provides extensive data relevant to body composition that can be used to efficiently lose fat, dial in your nutrition, identify muscle deficiencies...
The InBody 570 provides advanced analysis capabilities due to it's multi frequency measuring ability. Intra and extra cellular water is measured separately and provide the medical, wellness and fitness industry with values which is important to understand fluid distribution and hydration values. >> Vi...
Ultimate Body Composition Analyser The research-grade InBody 770 goes beyond traditional body composition analysis and takes a deeper look into body water. This model offers two types of results sheets; body composition and body water. With this research-grade body composition analyser, you can meas...
InBody is the maker of the world's best body composition analyzer, providing precise measurements of fat, muscle, body water, and more!