Eiga Inazuma Eleven Sôshûhen: Densetsu no Kickoff: With Junko Takeuchi, Hirofumi Nojima, Hiroyuki Yoshino, Yûko Sanpei. The Raimon Junior High soccer team, led by the protagonist Endou Mamoru, aims to win the national tournament, Football Fronti
Kidou Yuuto (鬼道きどう 有人ゆうと) is the play maker from Seishou Gakuen, who got chosen to play for Inazuma Japan in Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin. As he challenges the FFI with his team, he clashes with Ichihoshi, a mysterious footballer from the Russian league. As Kidou gets clos...
Kidou Yuuto (鬼道きどう 有人ゆうと) is the play maker from Seishou Gakuen, who got chosen to play for Inazuma Japan in Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin. As he challenges the FFI with his team, he clashes with Ichihoshi, a mysterious footballer from the Russian league. As Kidou gets clos...
Inazuma Eleven 3 JP: The genius game maker. He supports the team as its leader.EN: The genius playmaker. Drives the team forward as a leader. GO JP: A genius game maker. The best player at both technique and tactics.EN: A talented playmaker. His skills and strategies are unbeatable....
3DS《闪电十一人3 面向世界的挑战 Inazuma Eleven 3 Team Ogre Attacks》英文版cia下载,《闪电十一人》是一款以足球为主题制作的游戏,画风基本采用了卡通风格制作而成。下面是关于游戏的简介内容分享。 英文名称:Inazuma Eleven 3:Sekai He No Chyousen THE Ouga ...
3DS《闪电十一人3 面向世界的挑战 The 王牙 Inazuma Eleven 3 – Team Ogre Attacks!》欧版3ds下载,本作其实是NDS时代的游戏《闪电十一人3:面向世界的挑战 The 王牙》的欧版作品,因为NDS时代的《闪电十一人3:面向世界的挑战 The 王牙》并未推出欧版,所以直接推出了3DS版。
3DS《闪电十一人3 面向世界的挑战 The 王牙 Inazuma Eleven 3 - Team Ogre Attacks!》欧版英文CIA下载,这是一款角色扮演类游戏,玩法有趣,十分满足你对此类游戏的诉求,觉得不错的玩家务必要来体验看看。 《Inazuma Eleven 3 - Team Ogre Attacks!》是一款由Level-5制作并发行的足球角色扮演游戏。这款游戏是《Ina...
Flying fireballs, power spins, sky kicks, teleporting strikers and over 1,000 different characters are all available in the palm of your hand – to help you build your ultimate football team. Inazuma Eleven, the “football meets action role-play” game, has already gained acclaim from players...
3DS《闪电十一人3 面向世界的挑战 The 王牙 Inazuma Eleven 3 – Team Ogre Attacks!》欧版3ds下载。本作其实是NDS时代的游戏《闪电十一人3:面向世界的挑战 The 王牙》的欧版作品,因为NDS时代的《闪电十一人3:面向世界的挑战 The 王牙》并未推出欧版,所以直接推出了3DS版。